Dynamic Sky - Initial Idea

About the Simulation

This is the first Devlog about the interactive simulation: Dynamic Sky.

My Vision

My vision for this project is to create a weather simulation that the user can interact with, or where the user can let the simulation act on its own, led by an AI that I program.  The interactions will be limited to a single window, to avoid unnecessary complexity and instead be an overall streamlined experience.

In the future, if I see it being fit for this project, I may also implement a road or path that is procedurally generated that continues to "roll" towards the player (like the visual of what happens in Animal Crossing when exploring up and down an island or town). I could include houses, cities, landmarks, and more to be part of the procedural generation as well. This is just something I'm brainstorming with right now!

What I've Done So Far

I have created 3 rudimentary weather conditions so far: sunny, rainy, and stormy. Right now the user can choose between these by clicking the buttons with their corresponding conditions on it. Rainy and stormy conditions create varying numbers of clouds and varying degrees of rain particles.

In each of the weather changes, the background colors change. I created this effect by using linear interpolation between the current color's RGB values,  and the RGB values of the desired color. This is performed for each of 4 colors in the 4 corners of the screen, allowing for a gradient effect if desired. 

What's Next

I want to implement lightning to randomly generate during the storm cycles, and I want to start adding the code structures to allow an AI to change the weather autonomously. I'll update when I've implemented more things!

In the meantime, have a good day!

- Misnomer2

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